Apartment ΙΙ

Location: Eindhoven


A small apartment, located at the centre of Eindhoven that despite its charming elements, the first impression was dark, uninviting and fragmented. The proportions of the living area were awkward and off balanced. The double height ceilings were not doing any favour to the overall feel of the space and the small dimensions – in combination with the lack of any proper wall surface – made any previous attempt to create a welcoming feel, to fall short.

The client's request was to transform it into a peaceful and welcoming space, a place where one can unwind after a big work day in the city. Our number one challenge was to organize and give character to this quite small and akward layout, by also keeping the space as minimal as possible.

We paid quite some attention to the look of the entrance hallway, as we wamted to set the vibe of the whole apartment already at the doorway. The whole entrance – walls and ceiling – was painted in a warm, deep colour to create the feeling of a cocoon box that smoothly leads to into the big openness of the double height living space.

At the main living area, we worked with warm and discreet natural colours and materials. The only exception was the wall behind the couch which was painted with the same colour as the entrance hallway in order to visually connect these two spaces and also create a solid, grounded background for the sitting corner. We kept everything quiet and low in order to ground that vague feeling that was created in the room due to its unidentified proportions. And last but not least, we managed to bridge the big scale of the ceiling by adding three hanging lamps in soft texture and material that eventually became the space's statement element.

Photo credits: Gertrude van den Brink